Monday, September 30, 2019

Beyond mass media

Mass media are inherently incompatible with a participatory society because of their mass character, not just because of government control or corporate influence. Mass media should be abandoned and replaced by participatory media organised as networks, such as telephone and computer networks. Los medios de comunicacion son inherentemente incompatibles con una sociedad participativa, debido a su caracter de masas, no solo por el control del gobierno o de la influencia corporativa. Los medios de comunicacion deben ser abandonados y sustituidos por los medios participativos organizados en redes, como el telefono y las redes informaticas. Complaints about the mass media are commonplace. To begin, there is the low quality of many of the programmes and articles. There is the regular portrayal of violence, given an attention out of proportion with its frequency in everyday life. – More generally, most of the mass media give much more attention to bad news–crime, deaths, disasters, wars, etc. –than to positive sides of the human condition. – The mass media frequently create unrealistic fears about criminals, foreign peoples and the like. Las denuncias de los medios de comunicacion son comunes. Para empezar, esta la baja calidad de muchos de los programas y articulos. No es la representacion ordinaria de la violencia, dada una atencion desproporcionada en relacion con su frecuencia en la vida cotidiana. -Mas en general, la mayoria de los medios de comunicacion dan mucha mas atencion a las malas noticias – la delincuencia, muertes, desastres, guerras, etc – que a los aspectos positivos de la condicion humana. -Los medios de comunicacion con frecuencia crean temores poco realistas sobre los criminales, los pueblos extranjeros y similares. â€Å"News† often is more like entertainment than information or education. -News reports, especially on television, are typically given WITHOUT much overt context. The latest events are described, but not what led up to them or caused them. The result is that consumers of the media learn a lot of facts but frequently don't understand how they fit together. â€Å"Context† is the result of the assumptions behind the facts, and this context is all the more powerful because it is neither st ated nor commented upon. â€Å"Noticias†, a menudo es mas como entretenimiento que la informacion o la educacion. -Los informes de prensa, sobre todo en la television, se suelen dar sin mucho contexto manifiesta. -Los ultimos acontecimientos se describen, pero no lo levaron a ellos o les causo. El resultado es que los consumidores de los medios de comunicacion aprenden mucho de los hechos, pero con frecuencia no entienden como encajan entre si. â€Å"Contexto† es el resultado de los supuestos detras de los hechos, y este contexto es aun mas potente, ya que no es ni afirmo ni comentado. Even the â€Å"facts† that are presented are often wrong or misleading. – Powerful groups, especially governments and large corporations, shape the news in a range of ways offering access to stories in exchange for favourable coverage, spreading disinformation, and threatening reprisals. Incluso los â€Å"hechos† que se presentan son a menudo erroneas o enganosas. – Los grupos poderosos, especialmente los gobiernos y las grandes corporaciones, forma la noticia en una gama de formas que ofrece acceso a las historias a cambio de una cobertura favorable, desinformar, y las represalias mortales. This argument suggests that reform of the media, although useful, should not be the goal. Instead, the aim should be to replace mass media by communication systems which are much more participatory. Este argumento sugiere que la reforma de los medios de comunicacion, aunque util, no debe ser la meta. En cambio, el objetivo debe ser la sustitucion de los medios de comunicacion mediante sistemas de comunicacion, que son mucho mas participativo. Replace undemocratic media structure: reemplazar las estructuras de comunicacion democraticos.. The usual approaches Private mass media are often justified as being a vital part of the â€Å"marketplace of ideas. † But, as a way of promoting truth, this so-called market is largely a myth, serving mainly the interests of elites. Los medios de comunicacion privados a menudo se justifican como una parte vital del â€Å"mercado de las ideas. Pero, como una forma de promover la verdad, este llamado mercado es en gran parte un mito, que sirve principalmente a los intereses de las elites. ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE MASS MEDIA (1) Emergencies. The mass media, especially radio and television, can come in handy in emergencies: messages can be broadcast, reaching a large fraction of the population. Emergencias. Los medios de comunicacion, especialme nte la radio y la television, puede ser util en situaciones de emergencia: los mensajes pueden ser transmitidos, alcanzando una gran parte de la poblacion. AGAINST—–But the mass media are not really necessary for emergency purposes. Fire alarms, for example, do not rely on conventional media. Furthermore, network media, including telephone and computer networks, can be set up to allow emergency communications. Pero los medios de comunicacion no son realmente necesarios para casos de emergencia. Las alarmas de incendio, por ejemplo, no confian en los medios de comunicacion convencionales. Por otra parte, los medios de comunicacion de red, incluyendo telefonia y redes informaticas, se pueden configurar para permitir las comunicaciones de emergencia. Actually, the mass media are a great vulnerability in certain emergencies: military coups. Because they allow a few people to communicate to a large population with little possibility of dialogue, television and radio stations are commonly the first targets in military takeovers. Censorship of newspapers is a next step. This connection between coups and mass media also highlights the role of mass media in authoritarian regimes. En realidad, los medios de comunicacion son una gran vulnerabilidad en ciertas situaciones de emergencia: los golpes militares. Porque permiten que algunas personas se comunican a una gran poblacion con poca posibilidad de dialogo, la television y la radio son normalmente los primeros blancos en golpes militares. La censura de prensa es el siguiente paso. Esta conexion entre los golpes de Estado y medios de comunicacion tambien pone de relieve el papel de los medios de comunicacion en los regimenes autoritarios. AGAINST—-Military strength is no defence against a military coup, and indeed may be the cause of one. To resist a coup, network communications are far superior to mass media (Schweik Action, 1992). So, from the point of view of preparing for emergencies, mass media are bad investments. La fuerza militar no es una defensa contra un golpe de estado militar, y de hecho puede ser la causa de una. Para resistir un golpe de Estado, las comunicaciones de red son muy superiores a los medios de comunicacion (Schweik Accion, 1992). Por lo tanto, desde el punto de vista de la preparacion para casos de emergencia, los medios de comunicacion son malas inversiones. (2) Media talent. The mass media allow many people to enjoy and learn from the efforts of some very talented people: actors, musicians, athletes, journalists and commentators. True. But just as many people can enjoy and learn from these talented people without the mass media, for example through audio and video recordings. 2) el talento Media. Los medios de comunicacion permiten que muchas personas puedan disfrutar y aprender de los esfuerzos de algunas personas muy talentosas: actores, musicos, atletas, periodistas y comentaristas. Verdadero. Pero al igual que muchas personas puedan disfrutar y aprender de estas personas con talento y sin los medios de comunicacion, por ejemplo a traves de grabaciones de audio y video. AGAINST—-Furthermore, the mass media suppress access to all but a few performers and contributors. Those who are left out have a much better chance of reaching a sympathetic audience via network media. Por otra parte, los medios de comunicacion suprimir el acceso a casi todos los artistas y colaboradores. Los que se quedan fuera tienen una mejor oportunidad de llegar a un publico mas simpatico a traves de los medios de comunicacion de la red. Richard Schickel (1985) points out that the celebrity is a twentieth-century phenomenon, created especially by movies and television. He describes a culture of celebrity, in which people strive to be well known, even if this is only because they have appeared on the screen. The culture of celebrity, he argues, is undermining many traditional practices. For example, politicians are sold on the media in terms of image rather than policies. Richard Schickel (1985) senala que la celebridad es un fenomeno del siglo XX, creado especialmente por el cine y la television. El describe la cultura de la celebridad, en la que las personas se esfuerzan por ser bien conocido, aunque esto es solo porque han aparecido en la pantalla. La cultura de la celebridad, sostiene, esta socavando muchas de las practicas tradicionales. Por ejemplo, los politicos se venden en los medios de comunicacion en terminos de imagen, mas que politicas. (3)Large resources. The mass media command enormous resources, both financial and symbolic. This makes it possible for them to pursue large or expensive projects: large-budget films, special investigative teams, in-depth coverage of key events. 3) los recursos grandes. Los enormes recursos de los medios de comunicacion de masas de comando, tanto economicos como simbolicos. Esto hace que sea posible para ellos para perseguir grandes o costosos proyectos: peliculas de gran presupuesto, equipos especiales de investigacion, la cobertura en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos. AGAINST—-Actually, large-scale projects are also possible with network systems. They simply require cooperation and collaboration. For example, some public domain software (free computer programmes) is quite sophisticated and has been produced with the help of many people. In centralised systems, far-reaching decisions can be made by just a few people. In decentralised systems, greater participation is required. En realidad, los proyectos a gran escala tambien son posibles con los sistemas de la red. Simplemente se requiere de la cooperacion y la colaboracion. Por ejemplo, algunos programas de dominio publico (programas informaticos gratuitos) es bastante sofisticado y ha sido elaborado con la ayuda de muchas personas. En los sistemas centralizados, decisiones de gran alcance se pueden hacer unas pocas personas. En los sistemas descentralizados, se requiere una mayor participacion. These four possible arguments for retaining mass media, in some reformed and improved form, actually turn out to be arguments against mass media. ABSTRACT AGAINST: – The mass media are not necessary for emergencies and are actually a key vulnerability to those who would take over a society. -The mass media are not necessary to enjoy and benefit from the talent of others, and they foster an unhealthy emphasis on image. -Finally, although the mass media can undertake large projects, such projects can also dev elop through network media, but in a way involving participation rather than central direction. Estos cuatro argumentos posibles para retener los medios de comunicacion, de una forma reformada y mejorada, en realidad resultan ser argumentos en contra de los medios de comunicacion. RESUMEN EN CONTRA – Los medios de comunicacion no son necesarios en caso de emergencia y en realidad son una vulnerabilidad clave a los que se haria cargo de una sociedad. -Los medios de comunicacion no son necesarios para disfrutar y aprovechar el talento de los demas, y fomentar un enfasis enfermizo en la imagen. -Por ultimo, aunque los medios de comunicacion pueden llevar a cabo grandes proyectos, estos proyectos tambien pueden desarrollarse a traves de los medios de comunicacion de la red, pero de una manera que implica la participacion en lugar de la direccion central. PARTICIPATORY MEDIA AGAINST–Mass media are inherently corrupting. A small number of owners and editors exercise great power over what is communicated to large numbers of people. -Mass media should be replaced by participatory media organised as networks, such as telephone and computer networks. Los medios de comunicacion son inherentemente corrompiendo. Un pequeno numero de propietarios y editores ejercen un gran poder sobre lo que se comunica a un gran numero de personas. – Los medios de comunicacion deben ser sustituidos por medios participativos organizados en redes, como el telefono y las redes informaticas.

Personal Action Plan Essay

As soon as I graduate from high school I plan on contacting my closest Navy Recruiter and getting on the preliminary work done that is needed. After the preliminary work is done, I plan on enlisting for four year under the â€Å"EOD Challenge Program†. It’s going to be a huge decision that’s going to affect my entire life. The program itself will challenge me on all aspects of the spectrum. This is exactly what I expected when I decided to pursue a job in the military, but that does not distract from the milestone in my life that this will represent. After enlistment, I will then be assigned a ship out date where I will begin the Navy recruit training. If I complete the training I will be put into a physical screening test and will be interviewed by an EOD motivator. If I pass both of those, I must then pass a diving physical. Now I plan on passing because in the mean time before I even enlist I will be in great physical shape, which should be my only hurdle in this part of the process. Once I have passed all of these requirements, I then start EOD Schooling. EOD Schooling is broken down into three schools and one course. All which must be completed in order to be an EOD. These consist of an EOD Dive school, an EOD Technician school, a Basic Airborne school, and an EOD Tactical Training course. Each class is rigorous and will teach me a different skill needed for the specialty job of being an EOD. Once I have finished all schooling, I am then assigned to an operational EOD mobile unit which I will be expected to report to for active duty. Now if all these steps are fulfilled and I do become and active duty EOD in the Navy, then I will finish out my tour, and get back to my family. I plan on taking a short hiatus before re-enlisting and starting another tour. After the second tour I plan on joining the Army Reserves, so that I am able to have a military retirement in later years to come. This will allow me to have gained immense amounts of life experience and incredible amounts of knowledge. This will also give me amazing benefits and pay, while setting me up for military retirement. I will then be able to live my life. Now if this plan does somehow fail. I will be attending either Sierra College or Butte College in order to get my remedial done and get my solar panel certification. After two years I will be able to install solar panels and I will then switch to either UNR or Chico State. There are several majors I had in mind. Two of the biggest majors I had in mind being in either Political Science, or Economics. I am no worried about what will happen only because I have a back up plan like I have explained. This piece of paper holds my hopes and dreams, and this is my personal action plan.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Julius Caesar: Compare and Contrast Essay Essay

Julius Caesar is an ancient leader who is known worldwide for his famous last words â€Å"Et tu Brute?† as his closest friends were brutally murdering him. Barack Obama is the current United States President who has been in office for two consecutive terms, or eight years. Both leaders will be remembered forever, Caesar because of his murder and Obama because he is the first African American President to lead the United States. Although United States President Barack Obama is a leader centuries after the rise and fall of Julius Caesar their traits while in power that they exhibited are polar opposites. Whether it be the way that the leaders treat and respect their wives, the life they lived, or the way that they led their countries, they were opposite in almost every way possible. To begin, Julius Caesar was married to a weak-willed woman named Calpurnia. Calpurnia was a whiny woman who tried to keep Caesar from what he wanted to do and his civil duties as ruler of Rome. Calpurnia had nightmares of Caesar dying and his blood being put on display in the streets, dreams that she scared herself into believing, although becoming true. When Caesar refused to listen to her pleads of staying inside their house, she got on her knees and cried to him begging him to please stay home. This Caesar thought was highly ridiculous and he went anyways, against her wishes. Despite the lack of listening that Caesar had shown towards his wife, Obama looks to his wife as if she were his right-hand-man. Barack Obama is married to a strong-willed woman named Michelle. Michelle is a woman who had dreams and once her husband was elected into office, she made those dreams come true, having her husbands’ back in the decisions that he made for his country. Michelle wrote her own stump speeches for her husband’s presidential campaign and generally spoke without notes showing her involvement in the support of her husbands’ job. Michelle is an advocate for a healthier tomorrow, making meal plans for schools countrywide to follow, Obama also backing her up and helping her in any way he can. President Barack Obama has a respect for his wife that is unbelievably vigorous while the respect that Caesar displayed for his wife was as if there was none at all, not only proving how much times have changed, but showing how strong the bonds of marriage should be. Continuing,  Caesar was a patrician by noble birth being born into a wealthy patrician family that had money beyond knowledge. The ancestry that Caesar had was that of honor and fame being the grandson of Aeneas who was the son of the goddess Venus. Caesar’s family name, Julii Caesar, came from the birth by caesarean section, caes- meaning cut, one of his family members being born by this style of birth. Caesar came from a family of such wealth that his father was in charge of governing the province of Asia. But Obama, on the other hand, was born into a poorer family, his mother being from Wichita, Kansas and his father being on a J-visa from a small town in Kenya, both of his parents being in college on opposite sides of the country, forcing them to separate, Obama being a newborn. Obama was named after his father, being Barack Hussein Obama II, a pure Kenyan name. Obama’s parents were highly educated, his father going to Harvard Law School and his mother going to the University of Washington and then to the University of Hawaii where she graduated with a major in anthropology. Caesar and Obama came from completely different upbringings, one of military greatness and wealth and the other of brilliance and poverty. Finally, Caesar, because of his military background and the fact that he led the Romans to the defeat of the Gauls, he was welcomed home to Rome by the senate granting him triumphs for his victories. When Caesar gained more power over Rome, he ordered a census be taken resulting in the reduction of grain dole, restricting the purchases of certain luxuries and rewarding those who had many children simply because they were increasing the population of Rome. Caesar made some very vital decisions in the development of not only Rome, but the world as well such as changing the traditional calendar to the Egyptian calendar meaning that instead of having 365 days in a year, there would be 365.25 days because of the 29th day of February every fourth year. Caesar also made decisions such as establishing a police system, rebuilding the cities of Corinth and Carthage and building a library as a branch off of the Library of Alexandria. Militarily, Caesar wanted to conquer the Dacians and the Parthians, but he wasn’t able to accomplish that due to his death. As a result of his murder, the month July was named after him, its original name being Quintilis. Yet, even though not having any months named after him or establishing such important institutions, Obama has had his fair amount of fame worthy actions. Obama will forever be remembered as the first African  American Presidential Candidate and first African American to become president. As president Obama promised many choices that would help the United States become stronger as a whole such as better long-range planning, superior fundraising, dominant organizing in caucus states, and better exploitation of delegate allocation rules. Obama also made history by becoming the first democratic president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to twice win the majority of the popular vote with the people. Obama made the change to reduce the secrecy given to presidential military records to gain the trust of the people he was in charge of making a better state for. Militarily, Obama issued executive orders and presidential memoranda directing the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq, claiming that he was fixing the problem that former President George W. Bush started. Caesar wanted to start war with other countries while Obama wanted to end the war that presented itself, their strategies of dealing with their countries being completely opposite. Caesar was a leader that because of the way that he took care of his subjects was murdered because he simply was not liked. Obama is a leader of a different time period, being constantly followed by security, ensuring his safety, and maybe that’s why Caesar wasn’t saved, because times have changed. Perhaps Obama has learned from Caesar’s mistakes and that has influenced to take votes among the senate and people before making decisions that could ultimately question the safety of the citizens looking up to him. Caesar and Obama both have their own ways of leading their states, treating their wives, and came from completely different upbringings, the one similarity the share being that they will be legends for years to come.

Hunger in Angola Essay

Hunger in Angola Angola has one of fastest growing economies in the world yet still suffers from hunger. The population of Angola was estimated to be 12,263,596 in 2007. The countries total infant mortality rate (IMR) was 184. 44 deaths per 1,000 live births with IMR for males being 196. 55 deaths per 1,000 live births and for females 171. 72 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2007 (www. geographyiq. com). The life expectancy is low partly because of starvation, unsafe food and water, and a high incidence of deaths from AIDS. The life expectancy of Angolan males was 36. 73 years and for females 38. 57 years in 2007. The total fertility rate was 6. 27 children born per woman, which ranks high compared to developed countries like the US which had a total fertility rate of 2. 09 children born per woman in 2007 (geographyiq. com). Angola is a developing country that depends on getting half of its food supply from imports and foreign aid (geographyiq. com). Agriculture still remains the primary method for feeding the countries people. Major barriers that face the country are few roadways for import and export, a corrupt government, drought, and unusable land due to landmines that were set during the 27 year long Angolan Civil War that ended in 2002. One of the major exports in Angola is oil and petroleum which contribute to its growing economy, but the countries people see very little of the revenue due to government corruption. Much of the oil from Angola is exported to industrialized nations like the United States. In this way the countries policies follow the dependency theory in which its natural resources are exported to countries that are well off. The country also supplies other natural resources for export which include diamonds, coffee, sisal, fish and fish products, timber, and cotton. The modernization theory would provide a good guideline for reducing hunger in Angola. In this way the country could begin to use its natural resources such as oil for export to provide revenues to feed its people. Also commercial farming and agricultural techniques could be taught so that more of the prime agricultural land could be used for mass agriculture. With the use of modern farming techniques the country could become self-sufficient and not depend on foreign aid. However, in Angola a plan to remove landmines would need to be implemented to allow safe farming. The country would also need to implement plans to build roadways in order to see continued growth in their export and import economies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Capital Punishment Is Always Wrong, Do You Agree?

Capital Punishment is always wrong, do you agree? A Christian would agree as they believe all life is sacred and only god can choose when your life ends, he will punish you in hell for your sins and it is not the place of the government to decide whether you are killed or not. This is because in the bible it says â€Å"Do not kill† which is one of the Ten Commandments which are not to be disobeyed, they also believe in forgiveness and love which are the fundamentals of their religion therefore criminals should be forgiven and given a chance to change.A Buddhist would agree because they believe in the sanctity of life. This is because they believe in karma – that you will accumulate bad karma for the bad things you do in your life and will pay for them in your next life and so therefore we should leave people to be punished in their next life and not kill them because all life is sacred and if we kill them we will accumulate bad karma.A Muslim would disagree because they believe that punishment is needed to protect the welfare of society and serve justice to the victims family, they believe that if you take a life then you should die because you have taken away something sacred and sinned, this is because in the Qur’an it says â€Å"take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law† which permits the death penalty if it is to bring about justice.Another Christian would disagree because they believe that god has appointed the king/queen who has then appointed the government to serve justice on his behalf, this means that they can punish people in the means they feel appropriate and in the bible there are examples where people were killed for their sins so therefore it must be alright to kill people in today’s society.This is because in the bible it says â€Å"show no pity, life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot† which shows that we should have no mercy and shoul d give the same punishment as the crime done for example if someone kills then they should be killed. I disagree as I believe sometimes it could be right because some criminals never reform and in killing them we would be preventing them from killing again and possibly deterring other criminals as they would be afraid of the punishment they would receive.

Supply Chain Management Research paper.Reflections on the Theory of Paper

Supply Chain Management .Reflections on the Theory of Constraints (TOC) - Research Paper Example The current trend in the supply chain management indicates that there is an increase in collaboration between supply chain stakeholders in numerous organizations in the world. The collaboration of supply chain parties is increasing in numerous industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and agri-food (David, Vafa, Paul, & Seung-Chul, 2014). Collaboration has increased because organizations have recognized that all stakeholders take part in the production of high quality goods and services. This means that their actions have to be accounted for while delivering the product to the final customer. A study conducted by Li, Ford, Zhai and Lu (2012) found out that the main benefits of supply chain collaboration include improved communication and relationships, efficient customer service, and efficient problem solving. The theory of constraints is based on the premise that organizations must concentrate on the limiting factors for them to succeed. The hypothesis argues that organization managers must first identify the constraints that face their businesses; after determining the limiting factors, the management then makes all decisions based on these factors (Matapoulos, Vlachapoulou, & Manthou, 2007). The decisions that managers make aim at preventing the occurrence of the constraints. The hypothesis is essential in healthcare supply chain planning because this field has numerous constraints that must be taken care of to avoid unfavorable occurrences. The constraints include inefficient communication, shortage products such as medicine and injections, and poor customer service that are caused by inexperienced employees. Therefore, the theory of constraints is essential in healthcare because it helps to reduce delays and shortages of products that lead to dissatisfaction of customers (David, Vafa , Paul, & Seung-Chul, 2014). The

Friday, September 27, 2019

Advocacy Letter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Advocacy Letter - Assignment Example , also known as the Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Act of 2014, or the Sweet Act, which was introduced Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro from Third District of Connecticut. The Sweet Act makes an amendment to the Internal Revenue Code in the form of an imposition of an excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages applicable to the beverage producer, importer or manufacturer, at the rate of one cent for every 4.2 grams of sweetener in a beverage. The act places revenues from the excise tax exclusively into research as well as programs to mitigate the economic an human toll tied to such diseases as obesity, teeth caries, diabetes, and other diseases and conditions tied to sugar consumption. Various studies have established direct correlations and causal relationships between the consumption of sugary beverages on the one hand and obesity and the onset of metabolic diseases such as diabetes on the other hand. The negative health effects of sugary beverages extend to heart disease, to such an extent that the American Heart Association itself has stepped forward to recommend restricting sugar consumption to help prevent heart disease. The Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health has also stepped forward to point to the large and growing public costs of obesity and its health consequences, and has singled out sugary beverages as responsible in large part to the escalation of the epidemic of obesity. National spending on care related to obesity and related conditions has been pegged at $190 billion per annum, highlighting the gravity and the urgency of the problem. Sugary drinks negatively impacts American society in profound ways, and therefore there is a need to intervene. Through your strong support for the Sweet Act, you will be helping reverse the rising tide of obesity and its attendant diseases and helping cut health care costs for the government and the general population. It is my fervent hope that you will join us in championing this bill and in securing better nutrition and

Business Ethics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Business Ethics - Article Example By using private companies which it purchased, slush funds, and sham contracts the company was able to reroute the brides through extra levels of corporate disguise. The obvious moral issue here is that bribery is wrong. 2. Johnson and Johnson executives had a string of emails and other written communication explaining that the paying of bribes was a usual procedure of doing business in the countries. One email revealed that practically 95% of business in Greece is done this way. Also it is apparent that the method was so open that Greece accountants could not understand why it needed be hidden in their written notes. Brides were used to pay for the expenses of doctors going on medical conference trips. Johnson is a behemoth of a company and certainly other companies follow their leadership role. Their leadership role is based on experience with proven business techniques developed for surviving in a competitive market. One of these techniques, which Johnson as a well financed compan y can do well is bribing. 3. One can use the utilitarian rule of ethics here, the greatest good for the greatest number. It would be the variety of action based utilitarianism in which one's action would produce such a good.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tort Law - Essay Example In this case the appellant had suffered damage as a result of a snail in her ginger beer bottle and she brought a claim against the manufacturer for damages. It was held in this case that even though the appellant had not bought the ginger beer and therefore had no rights under the law of contract, she could successfully pursue a claim against the manufacturer in the law of tort. Lord Atkin asserted that a manufacturer owed a legal duty of care to the ultimate consumer of his product. In discussing duty of care as a legal concept, Lord Atkin established the â€Å"neighbour† principle†2. Lord Atkins went on to define the term â€Å"neighbour† in the legal sense as being â€Å"persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought to reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called into question.3† All the same, there are limitations to the application of duty of care principle. For instance, in the case of Dorset Yacht Co Limited v Home Office4 Lord Reid opined that â€Å"Donoghue v Stevenson may be a milestone†¦but it is not to be treated as if it were a statutory definition. It will require qualification in certain circumstances†5. The development of a test for establishing a legal duty of care in tort has been gradual. In Caparo v Dickman6, the House of Lords specified a three stage test to determine the absence or existence of a duty of care. The different states in this test are first, whether the consequences of the defendant’s actions were reasonably foreseeable. Second, whether there was sufficient proximity to impose a duty of care; and lastly, whether it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care. In applying this test to the appellant’s position, it must first and foremost be established, whether the respondent could have been

Anthrax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Anthrax - Essay Example tistics indicating that the number of affected decreased from 130 estimated cases in 1990s to less than two cases in the 21sts century (, 2014). Treatment and preventive measures are available to those affected by the bacteria with earlier detection techniques available at the medical centers. The need to threaten or weaken a particular nation has led to the use of biological weapons, attack hard to prevent to its nature. Bioterrorism refers to the use biological weapons to induce harm over a person or group of people. The similarity between a bioterrorism and biologic warfare is the agent used whereas the major difference being the intention of using a particular biological agent (Ivanova et al., 2003). The agents considered in carrying out a bioterrorist attack are classified according to their pathogenicity. Anthrax, a disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, is mostly used, and several hoaxes of this bacterium have been reported in the United States (Saffer, 2004). When selecting an effective bioterrorism agent, perpetrators consider several factors that will make it easier for the desired goal to be achieved effectively. The agent selected should possess the ability to cause morbidity, mortality, or illness with difficult diagnosis and treatment. Accessibility, stability, and reproducibility are other factors that are carefully analyzed for consideration of an agent. The agent should be easy to find which was simpler before the federal regulations illegalized the sale of specific pathogenic organisms by biological supply companies. Reproducibility aids in ensuring that enough quantity to carry out an attack on a certain number of people is attainable (Saffer, 2004). Stability maintenance at different environmental conditions that it may be subjected to during the attack is vital especially in moving from one place to another and during dispersal. Dispersion aids in ensuring that the targeted group of people is exposed to the agent. Several

Nonhuman Primate Sign Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nonhuman Primate Sign Language - Essay Example The present research has identified that human and nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees have commonalities in brain features in high-level communicative and cognitive functions. Brains of both human and nonhuman primate show some degree of asymmetry. Both halves of the human brain are not symmetrical they are lopsidedness that arise at the development stage of brain. Brains of humans show a greater variance of asymmetry than that of chimpanzees, but brains of both species are asymmetrical in structures. Brain asymmetry gives a room for flexibility and enables the brain to adapt easily to different conditions and situations. Human and primates share 99% of their genetic makeup. However, their main difference between the two is the capability of communicating in a language that is defined. Chimps do not can speak human language, but they have a way of communicating to each other. One of the ways they communicate to each other is through different types of vocal calls. If the chimps fi nd food, they start making different types of grunts, pant hoots and barks to let others know the source of food. Chimpanzees have different pant hoots that distinguish each from one another. It helps others to identify individuals who are making the call. When chimps get back from a successful hunt, they make calls in an exciting way to alert others about a successful mission. When they come across a dangerous situation, they produce a savage-sounding to alert others on the potential danger. Chimps also communicate with each other by making use of bodily gestures and postures. Some communities such as that of a monkey make use of physical contact to express anger, happiness, fear and aggressiveness. When chimps get angry, they express anger by standing upright using their hind legs, wave their arms and sometimes they can throw rocks and branches. The behavior alerts other chimps that are near and steer clear of this particular monkey.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Test study guide Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Test study guide - Assignment Example He painted accurately the body and nature, instead of exaggeration. In Lamentation a 3-d feel becomes apparent. The viewer can almost become part of the painting. This fresco depicts humans holding the dead body of Christ, while angels hover above. 3 Recognize the style of Italian Renaissance sculpture and painting. (You do not need to visually distinguish between Early, High or â€Å"Mannerism†). The Italian Renaissance style was more of a realistic approach. Proper proportions and scenes that depicted nature as real were the style of this period. 4 What is the meaning of the word â€Å"Renaissance?† From lecture information, describe the context in which the â€Å"Renaissance† emerged in Italy. Renaissance means rebirth or revival. The Renaissance was a renewal or birth of Latin and Greek classic thinking and studies. 5 What is â€Å"Humanism†? How did artists and intellectuals reconcile Christianity with Humanism? Humanism centers around human thoughts and knowledge. Artists and intellectuals reconciled Christianity with Humanism by studying the relations of humans to spirituality and divine issues. 6 How did Renaissance ideas about the role of human beings differ from the medieval period? The Renaissance focused more on logic and human thought in life, whereas the medieval period focused more on religion and the afterlife. 7 What was Albertis contribution to the Italian Renaissance painting style? According to him, what should good paintings include (what were his â€Å"rules† for painting)? Albertis contribution was the rules for painting three dimensional subjects on a flat surface. Good paintings â€Å"will include all ages of man and both sexes as well as animals of all sorts.† 8 What is mathematical (or linear) perspective? What is a vanishing point? A perspective in drawing and painting where parallel lines are converging so as to give the illusion of depth and distance. The

Theories surrounding the War on Terrorism shouldn't be so be Term Paper

Theories surrounding the War on Terrorism shouldn't be so be complicated-Critical Analysis - Term Paper Example From a Foucauldian perspective, it could be argued that no theorization is ultimate and all theories are essentially characterized by the presence of existing power structures and power balance within. International relations theory too is a field of discourse which corresponds to existing power structures and modes of knowledge production. When we challenge the unity, coherence and self-evidence of such theories from the perspective of actual sufferings and miseries of people who come in contact with the war on terror, the central postulates of these theories begin to collapse. The purpose of the paper is to critically examine the dominant theories in international relations against the context of the ongoing war on terror. The paper would give a general overview of the major theoretical assertions by different schools in a nutshell and would try to show that how limited and dogmatic they are in characterizing the war on terror. Moreover, an attempt to have a glance at the ways thro ugh which dominant international relations theories reproduces the prevailing schemas, power structures an inequalities is also the aim of the paper. Besides, some of the Gramscian tool will also be used in paper for deconstructing the actual forces behind the war on terror. II. ... At present, many theorists from across the leading schools support war on terror based on many dubious arguments. In classical realism, order and stability are the determining factor of any global order based on nation state system. Change is considered as the accumulation of more capabilities and resources. The classic realist analysis of Iraq War is seen as a powers struggle between Saddam’s regime and American empire for establishing hegemony in the Middle East. The War on Terror, from a classic realist point of view, is nothing but geopolitical strategic game. The neorealist theories see hegemony as the product of the increasing concentration of power and capabilities with a single state or a coalition of willing states. Such a situation is marked for the ability of that single state or coalition to manipulate the whole global system for the protections of their narrow geopolitical interests. Neorealism therefore would see the war on terror as a result of growing unipolari ty in the post cold war world where the United States and the NATO could attack any dissident countries at will. Moreover, the war on terror would be seen as an attempt by the hegemonic powers to maximize their control of raw materials and flows of capital and goods. Especially, war on terror was waged for protecting the American interests on the gulf oil. Structural realism is of the view that no amount of power is enough in securing stability and order in a chaotic international system which is characterized by the absence of legitimate global governance structures. Great powers have to deal with the emerging powers that could potentially challenge their powers from the very beginning itself. The notion of pre-emptive strike is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

America in the 1920s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

America in the 1920s - Essay Example Realities of the wartime, accompanied by the scale restrictions of democracy and introduction to violence of tens millions of people, have rendered huge influence on public psychology, morals, valuable priorities. At the same time, the war has also lay the foundation of rather significant industrial growth in the majority of the states of the West that cannot but affect a standard of living of the population. To the full all this was showed in the history of the United States of America. The war and post-war economic boom became the reason of essential social changes in the country, which have turned into partial reconsideration of former, in many respects Puritan, value system. So let us consider 1920s American economic and social developments, including the economic boom (1922-1929), impact of the automobile, introduction of new electrical products and household appliances, improvement of the standard of living and working conditions, and growth of the stock market. Growth of the population and the well-being of the population in the beginning of the twenties century have led to a long growth in economy. In 1920s was carried out railway construction, people spent a lot of money for purchase of the new capital 'consumer blessings', and as a result building sector, automobile and other industries experienced an extraordinary rise. It is possible to say that the most important factor of the amazing economic boom (1922-1929) in the USA is the occurrence of new industries. In particular, phenomenal rise was observed in automotive industry. There has arisen the huge demand for production of allied industries, especially steel, rubber, glass and oil products. In the road building, which has received additional stimulus of development, there were also many new workplaces. In the same period in high gear developed manufacture of radio, other electrical products and household appliances. Installment trading became the powerful factor of growth of interna l consumption. Despite of the existence of variety of laws, called to limit the creation of large corporations, monopolization of economic life occurred very quickly, especially in sphere of public service. As it usually happens during the periods of boom, in the second half 1920s there was a big growth of share prices. And there was a ground for it: manufacture grew, incomes of the population raised, unemployment decreased. "Americans invested in companies by buying shares. They bought shares 'on the margin', paying back loans when share prices went up1". When this speculative boom has reached its limit, it has begun great fall of stocks. Since this moment all financial system of the USA and together with it the financial system of other world has started crackling. It is assumed that the main reason of the Great depression is the stock market crash in 1929. However the process actually has been set by the irresponsible profit making of brokers during the economic boom, which has begun in 1924. During this period the country is unprecedented prospered, however then there was a dangerous skew in incomes. Calvin Coolidge, the president of the USA in 1924-1929, has declared the non-interference of the state in business. The tax on income has been sharply lowered. Illusion of economic growth has led to occurrence of a financial pyramid: the share price were artificially overestimated, Americans counted up dividends and bought new shares,

The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Research Paper

The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa - Research Paper Example In this respect, we must put a lot of focus on all segments of population, starting with the hardest hit groups. I expand on these findings in the following narrative. The country is one of the worst hit countries in the world by HIV/AIDS epidemic, with approximately 1.5 million people infected with HIV, and over 2.4 million children are orphans after their parents died of the pandemic. With a population of about 38 million people, the percentage of the total population infected by HIV/AIDS is about 5%. In 2009 alone, the country lost 80,000 people from complications arising from HIV infection (Avert, 2010). About 240 people die daily from the disease and according to OSIPHP (2007), over 50% of the total population in the country lack access to HIV preventive and management services. Only 33% of children in need of HIV preventive service have access to the necessary health care (Avert, 2010). In Kenya, the HIV/AIDS pandemic affects virtually all segments of the population directly or indirectly. The prevalence rate differs among specific demographic groups in accordance with age, location, and gender (USAID, 2010). Women account for about 65% of all adults living with HIV/AIDS in the country compared to sub-Saharan prevalence rate of 57% among women. In addition, the prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS in women is almost twice that of men in Kenya. Most of HIV infections in the country occur in young people aged between 15-30 years through heterosexual sex. However, the infection rate differs remarkably between males and females at different ages (USAID, 2010). According to Avert (2010), the highest proportion of Kenyan population becomes sexually active between the ages of fifteen and nineteen years and young women are more vulnerable compared to their male counterparts. Between 15-19 years, the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in young women is 2.7%, four times greater than of young men of the same age group. Similar trend is observed in women between 20-24 years, whereby 6. 4% are infected, compared to about 1.5% of their male counterparts of the same age. However, the highest number of infections occurs in young women between a 15-24 years and men below 30 years (Avert, 2010). Kenyan people who engage in heterosexual sex are the most vulnerable group, and in regular relationship, they contribute to about 45% of new infections while casual heterosexuals accounts to about 21% of new infections (Avert, 2010). Other vulnerable groups include men who have sex with men and in prison population who account to about 15% of new infections. In addition, transmission through commercial sex, people who inject themselves with drugs and infections in health institutions account to 14%, 4% and 3% new HIV infections in Kenya respectively (USAID, 2010). Due to the high HIV prevalence rate among married couples and people in regular heterosexual relationships, many parents die leaving behind many children. In this respect, orphans and children living with HIV/AIDS acco unt to a significant proportion of people affected with HIV/AIDS in Kenya. About 200,000 children are infected with HIV/AIDS while the number of children orphaned by AIDS is about 2.4 million in Kenya (USAID, 2010). The major risk factors that contribute to high rate of HIV/AIDS i

Monday, September 23, 2019

Researching reporting dashboard features for marketing automation Research Paper

Researching reporting dashboard features for marketing automation tools - Research Paper Example The dashboard tool offers six views into one’s business data with basis on user type and needs. Marketing executives can also see summary business intelligence dashboard representing data visually through customizable widgets. In addition, analysts are able to do deep dives for data to attain answers to complex problems through their OLAP interface. It makes insight sharing an easy process; moreover, it is accessible by in-house or third party applications. Neolane’s marketing analytics technology is organized around three major steps. These are understanding, execution, and monitoring with marketers gaining insight into needs of the customer, followed by measurement through interactive, graphical, and personalized dashboards (Aquino 1). The marketer can analyze and monitor market performance through these dashboards to ascertain efficiency and optimize on their ROI, as well as aid in quickly and effectively piloting marketing activity. Measurements that marketers can carry out using Neolane’s technology include transaction data, marketing data, key performance indicators, and execution data. Moreover, the users can create contact lists using specific measurements like lists of young men between 25 and 35 years (Aquino 1). Software provider Aprimo’s latest version of their Relationships manager has several new features that include streamlined dashboards and reporting, enhanced user interface, and integration with M arketing Operations in enabling faster turnaround

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women Essay

Beauty Myth- How Media & Beauty today Impacts Women - Essay Example Halliwell, E., Malson, H., & Tischner, I. (2011). Are Contemporary Media Images Which Seem to Display Women as Sexually Empowered Actually Harmful to Women?.  Psychology of Women Quarterly,  35(1), 38-45. [Accessed 17 March 2014] The article assesses the way women have been previously depicted as passive sex objects to present times when they are representatives of sex and are sexually powerful and in control due to their looks. This has been found to have an adverse effect on the body images of women and research that was carried out by the authors of this article found that the current depiction of beauty by the media has led to increased self objectification and weight concern. Acevedo, C. R., Nohara, J. J., Arruda, A. L., Tamashiro, H. R., & Brashear, T. (2011). How women are depicted in ads? A content analysis study with Brazilian advertisements.  International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER),5(10). [Accessed 17 March 2014] The aim of this article was to analyze the roles that were occupied by women in TV advertisements. The aim was to determine the message spread to society about women and how this has changed over the years. The study analyzed 95 pieces and derived upon the conclusion that women’s images have changes however, they continue to be idealized and stereotyped, which also extends to social settings. This article is done based on a study that was performed by Dove and indicates that women gain their perception of beauty from what they see on social media. This article suggests that beauty is no longer largely influenced by fashion magazines or TV shows, but rather social sites like Instagram or Facebook through images of different appearances via â€Å"selfies† and other viral trends. The article illustrates the health impacts that are implemented by the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critical analysis of research Evidence Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical analysis of Evidence - Research Paper Example Five research articles were used in order to make a good analysis and conclusion for this particular problem. Each article is likewise critiqued as to its validity and reliability as a research study. Summary: The aim of this study was to find out whether an implementation of a clinical practice guideline would be effective in reducing the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia or VAP (Abbott et al., 2006). The nursing clinical practice guidelines focused on five tasks including the set up of the hospital bed, physical sanitation, and the use of hand protection. The same practice guidelines were actually the result of a collaboration of an educational group who arrived at the instruction which was spread to the hospital personnel. The results of the study revealed that the incidence of VAP in patients had decreased but statistical analysis indicated the change was not significant. Even then, this study encouraged the integration of clinical practices that have been proven through research to reduce VAP cases. Research Question: This particular research focused on four questions (Abbott et al., 2006). The first one pertained to the effect of incorporating the clinical instruction into practice to the number of VAP cases. The second one highlighted the number of VAP cases before and after the integration. The third question delved on the correlation between the implementation of the guideline and the number of VAP cases. The last question intended to look at barriers and guides in the smooth implementation of the guideline. Supporting Literature: There were numerous studies by which this research paper was built upon. One of the most important assumptions are based on the principle that the manner by which a health professional renders service will also affect the way he will integrate the clinical guidelines in his practice (Rogers as cited in Abbott et al.,

Developmental Psychology and Good Quality Activities Essay Example for Free

Developmental Psychology and Good Quality Activities Essay 1.1 It is important to remember that these six areas of learning do not work in isolation but are in fact interlinked. Good quality activities will cover more than one area of development. For example, allowing children to access the outdoors will not only support their physical development, but encourage their communication and exploration of their environment. Where a child experiences a delay in one area, it is likely to limit their learning and development in the other fivea child with cerebral palsy who experiences hand-eye coordination difficulties is likely to find completing a puzzle difficult therefore hindering her problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. It is therefore vital that settings recognise each child’s individual needs and plan holistically in order to help children achieve their full potential across the six areas of learning. Personal, Social and Emotional Development †¢ Dispositions and attitudes †¢ Self confidence and attitudes †¢ Making relationships †¢ Behaviour and self control †¢ Self care †¢ Sense of community Communication, Language and Literacy †¢ Language for communication †¢ Language for thinking †¢ Linking sounds and letters †¢ Reading †¢ Writing †¢ Handwriting Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy †¢ Numbers as labels and for counting †¢ Calculating †¢ Shapes, space and measures Knowledge and Understanding of the World †¢ Exploration and investigation †¢ Designing and making †¢ ICT †¢ Time †¢ Place †¢ Communities Physical Development †¢ Movement and space †¢ Health and bodily awareness †¢ Using equipment and materials Creative Development †¢ Being creative/responding to experiences, expressing and communicating ideas †¢ Exploring media and materials †¢ Creating music and dance †¢ Developing imagination and imaginative play 1.2 We assess and record all the children’s observations and document them in their learning journeys. These get used by the staff to 9show how well the child has developed in their learning, the staff try and put at least 3 observations a month into the journeys. Once the child leaves the setting they can take them onto where ever they are going next. We also use daily diaries what the key workers fill out to show the parents how their day has gone and what they have eating. More important documents e.g. accident forms get filled out and stored away in the office where the manager will assess them and then lock them away for confidentiality. 4.2 Using a topic a child is really interested in can allow for sustained shared thinking it can be talking about something or doing something which encourages conversation like we have done planting with our children this has really captured their imagination the children are talking about what they think seeds are going to grow into what happens as the plants grows, what might the plant produce. We are getting the children to reach conclusions, and explore concepts at a deeper level. The children are thinking about processes and are making connections to things they have already learnt and new information. Processing the information we have given them making them think.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Understand Your Fats and Fiber Essay Example for Free

Understand Your Fats and Fiber Essay Trans fatty acids are seen on ingredient labels as â€Å"partially hydrogenated oils†. Hydrogenated fats are considered as trans fats because these fats have been created in an industrial process. Trans-fatty acids are harmful because they raise the bad or LDL cholesterol levels and lower the HDL or good cholesterol levels in our bodies. They also increase the risk of heart disease and strokes and have also been associated with developing type 2 diabetes. Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, seeds, and oils from plants, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are two unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are good for the body because they help lower blood cholesterol levels. Fiber helps normalize bowel movements, maintain bowel integrity and health, lowers blood cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss, and may even reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Lipids are also known as cholesterol that is a component found in blood fats. Dietary fiber can be found fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Dietary fibers are commonly classified into two categories, insoluble fiber (don’t dissolve in water), and soluble fiber (those that do dissolve in water). A diet high in fiber decreases the chance of constipation by producing a stool that bulky and easy to pass. High fiber in the diet may lower the risk of developing hemorrhoids, and diverticular disease (small pouches in colon). Soluble fiber that can be found in beans, oats, and flaxseed may help lower bad cholesterol levels and can slow the absorption of sugar and this can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Adding more fiber to your diet can also help with weight loss. References Fats 101. (2012).

Silicon Field Effect Transistor (ncSiFET) in BEOL

Silicon Field Effect Transistor (ncSiFET) in BEOL Tremendous research efforts are ongoing in order to implement and add further functionalities to computing compounds in CMOS chips. Thus, a challenge is imposed to compete the existing devices in terms of cost and performance. In this project, I propose a novel and low cost approach for nanocrystalline Silicon Field Effect Transistor (ncSiFET) based memory selector implemented in BEOL. During this thesis, the potentiality of this technology in terms of performance and production cost will be established. Targeted technological applications : Memory selector transistor One of our research group activities in 3IT consists on the development and integration of RRAM with a Complementary Resistive Switch (CRS) planar configuration in the BEOL of CMOS circuit. My research activity will focuses on memory selector fabrication needed to carry out the read operation as subsequent and complementary function. Several technological approaches have been proposed to fulfill this function with different physical concepts, such as diodes, volatile switches, nonlinear devices and transistors. (cf. figure I.1). Owing to the planar configurtion and the nanodamascence fabrication approach of RRAM, our transistor device (ncSiFET) will benefit from the process compatibility, so that it can be implemented in 3D BEOL integration and connected in serial to minimize parasitic leakage current from unselected cells during a read operation,to provide sufficient on-current for the switching of the selected cell and to prevent frequent interference operation and readout errors. The selector and the memory element should be compatible in term of scalability to enable limited leakage current from the unselected memory elements along read and write operations. The requirements for a RRAM selector present several challenges for appropriate integration in a low-cost CMOS-compatible stackable process. A low processing temperature under 400  °C must be respected to enable the compatibility with 3-D integration in BEOL. The implementation of selector devices requiring additional process steps is accompanied with large device area and power dissipation. Moreover, the selector devices can cause a decrease in the current and a slower read operation. A compatibility in terms of in terms of operation polarity (unipolar/bipolar) and switching speed between memory elements and selector devices must be established [2]. Others aspects concerning the reliability such as cycling endurance and variability should be taken in consideration. Required electrical performances A good selector needs to satisfy multiple requirements which are essentially derived from circuit performance aspect. The previously achieved on/off ratio =104 with our (ncSiFET) [3] can be an asset for memory selector applications since it is on a par with many silicon transistor based selectors [4]. This ratio should be improved up to 106, to further enable the operation of large arrays in the architecture. Moreover, a 2.5 ÃŽÂ ¼A/ÃŽÂ ¼m value as on-current in our device [3], which can be further enhanced, fits well with the range of requirement to sufficiently control the memory operation without speed restriction [5]. While threshold voltage needs to be minimized to enable the reduction of the operation leakage. These properties makes the transistor an effective selector as isolation switch and current limiter. A selector should be able to provide enough drive current as needed for SET and RESET operations of the resistive memory cell. Interestingly, a threshold switching se lector device has proved to be efficient for solving the leakage current problem with a low off current Taking all these considerations in account, one can say that (ncSiFET) device owns promising characteristics and relevant potential to be integrated in BEOL for RRAM memory selection applications. In table I.1, we present further characteristics in as speed, temperature and electrical performances that should be also taken in account during the development of our device.Comparison with technological competitor Silicon transistor based selector : The main advantages for this kind of transistors that enable self-compliance are their high ON/OFF ratio with large drive current, appropriate threshold voltage and low power consumption. However, transistor-based selectors present drawbacks in terms of large dimensions and complicated process fabrication [4]. Poly-Si material has been replaced by high quality epitaxial PN regions on crystalline Si, in order to achieve high Ion/Ioff ratio up to 108 and large on current over 10MA/cm2 beneficial for SET/ RESET operation and rectifiying ability [7], but, these unipolar configurations are not compatible with bipolar switching mode resistive memories. The NPN structure has been proposed to overcome the polarity issue with I on /I off ratio of about 4700 [8]. However, the main limit for these technologies is their high process temperature, thus, unsuitable for sub-400 à ¢- ¦C BEOL integration. Metal-oxide schottky diodes: Different compositions of met al and oxides, such as Pt/HfO 2 /ZrO 2 /TiN or Ni/TiO 2 /Ni have been proposed [6]. The conduction mechanism assumed to be based on Schottky emission at the mateal/oxide interfaces [8]. It was demonstrated that (MIM) incorporating thin oxide film can provide non-linear I-V curve. These configurations are compatible with bipolar switching and suitable with 3D-stackable BEOL integration. However, only low drive current density of about 1MA/cm2 is reached. Nonlinear devices: Considering the requirement to achieve both high current at high voltage as well as very small current corresponding to low voltages, nonlinear devices have been proposed. For all the varieties of this category presented in fig.1, the complexity of fabrication process and the material selection remain difficult challenges for large area production and integration [4]. Thin film transistor (TFT): As an example, RRAM (Ti/Oxide stack/Pt) connected with thin film transistor (transparent amorphous oxide semiconductor (TAOS)) architecture demonstrated good results as current limiter with a storage capability controlled by the amplitude of the TFT gate voltage [2]. The TFT as a technology benefit from the reduced temperature, relatively simple and low cost fabrication process. However, carriers mobility in the channel is the main issue that cause significant impact on the electrical properties of the resulting device. The transistor performances are severely affected by high defects density and carrier trap sites which strongly depend on the crystallinity, the quality of silicon thin film (a-Si, Poly-S or nc-Si). This is a common problematic to our ncSi chann el. (ncSiFET): Our proposed transistor technology is based on nanodamascene approach, with a nanocrystalline silicon island as a channel separated from metal S/D by a thin tunnel oxide. A proof of feasibility with promising electrical performance is already demonstrated [3]. The overall process will be performed at low temperature ( The aim of this project is to perform a cost-effective selector device compatible with our resources at 3IT. In this framework, strain effects are quite important for electronic transport in the channel, in other word, switch frequency and the reliability over time. Thus, this important aspect should be taken in account in order to establish the transistor characteristics and to fulfill the requirement for the realization and the application as a memory selector device. One of our project targets is to establish a strain method compatible with high-k/metal top gate configuration. Strained channel should be carefully designed through process conditions and device geometry. Channel residual strain effects Residual strain could be either mechanical/intrinsic during the film growth and upon technological process or thermal due the differences in expansion coefficient between materials or the auto-heating during the device operation. a) On transport properties in conductor channel For crystalline silicon channel, the strain in the channel of nanotransistor leads to the stretching of atoms bonding in silicon layer. The displacement of silicon atoms can reduces the impact of atomic forces that interfere with the electrons movement and weaken scattering phenomena allowing lower resistance and better mobility (cf. fig II.1). Charge carriers can move faster in the strained channel resulting in better conductivity and low power consumption. In fact, stress induces a change and degeneracy in the energy bands level of the silicon atoms, causing an anisotropy in effective mass of electrons. Then, light mass and minimal scattering are the main factors for better mob ility (ÃŽÂ ¼= eà Ã¢â‚¬Å¾/m*) [1]. Due to this anisotropy, the effect of strain depends on its direction with respect to the source-drain current path [2]. On the other hand, the deposition process of nSi-thin film leads to residual strain in the layer (tensile or compressive). For example, it was reported that the conductance of the amorphous material a-Si: H channel in TFT transistor increases with tensile stress while it decrease with compressive one [3].In our nc-SiFET device, channel consists on isolated nc-Si 50nm-length and less than 20nm-thick island deposited and patterned using a combination of e-beam lithography and ICP-etching process. This channel embedded in nanopattern undergo a thermal annealing and Ti metal deposition before (CMP) polishing process leading to confined island from both side of the metal nanowires. Dielectric gate layers (Si 3 N 4 ) or high-k insulator (HfO 2 , Al 2 O 3 ) can be incorporated on the top of the structure in our process followed by g ate deposition. In our project, metals materials can be deposited using evaporation or sputtering techniques, whereas, dielectric layers can be fabricated by PECVD, LPCVD, sputtering or ALD. It is worthy to note that the induced residual strain of each region strongly depend on the choice of the deposition technique, process parameters, layer thickness as well as thermal post treatment. All these process specifications strongly affect the transport properties of the channel. Hence, a careful analysis of the channel mobility based on Hall effect measurements as a function of different process specification should be addressed (figure II.2). A design of experiments would be performed jointly with the process fabrication.In this framework, several local strain techniques have been employed that can resemble our project. It was reported that shallow trench isolation technique -or box isolation technique- consisting on a sequence of trenches patterning to be filled by a deposited materia ls and removal of excess parts using CMP, creates isolation and can exert compressive stress on the channel [5]. Also, SiN capping layers on top of the gate with intrinsic stress can induce strain into MOS channels and enlarge the distance between atoms underneath the gate which enhance the electron mobility [6]. Based on these reported results, we can assume that our sequence of fabrication processes can induce further stress on the nanocrystallline silicon island channel. In order to precisely identify the effects of strain on our (ncSiFET) channel transport, we should take in account the contribution of all the steps that can take part of the channel residual strain in our process i.e nanoscale island embedded in the trench, thermal annealing, chemical mechanical polishing and the effect of capping layer stack. On conduction mechanism between the electrical contacts and active region The strain in the active layer of the channel can induce variations in terms of band gap, electrons effective mass, affinity and the density of states. It is proved that strain can cause a local band gap shrinking and a change in bands form along the channel [7]. Based on Kane model for band to band tunneling, the current is a function of band gap and effective mass change [8]. Hence, we can assume that the induced strain in our island channel can promote the conduction mechanism by direct tunneling through the potential barrier lowering. For our structure, inducing strain in (ncSi) channel can alter the potential barrier, state density and charge population between the thin tunnel oxide / ncSi interface as well as the gate dielectric/ncSi interface in our (ncSiFET) device. The reduction of a-Si island resistivity can enhance the contact resistance between the island and Ti source and drain terminals. I.2 Deposition methods : comparison In our case, the channel is a nanodimensional island deposited in a trench. For such nano-topography, uniform thickness on non-planar surfaces with step conformal coverage, space filling and damage-free process are required. In general, the evolution of stresses in thin films is a dynamic competition between tensile and compression effects during deposition. The strain in the film depends on different criteria such as grains size, micovoids, disorder. species mobility and deposition rate. Stress varies significantly with process conditions. At 3IT, several deposition techniques are available either chemical of physical based processes. We discuss the implications of each techniques on the nanodimensional (nc-Si) island strain as well as distribution and filling aspect. LPCVD: based on heat activation at high temperature (>500 ° C). Low gas pressure reduce gas-phase reaction which lead to low deposition rate and cause particle clusters. LPCVD Si thin film are isotropic and compact, but with poor step coverage [9]. Such high temperature and low deposition rate lead to the relaxation of the ordered film and thus, the annihilation of strain effect. Thermal or e-beam evaporation: requires heating or electron bombardement of source material to reach evaporation and transform into the gaseous phase (low energy atoms ~ 0.1 eV) and then condensed and adsorbed on the substrate surface. The deposited film is characterised by poor uniformity and density with stoichiometrical problem due to the diffference in vapor pressure [9]. This process is better dedicated to thin film rather thick one, and chracterised by small strain effect at the initial stage of the growth [10]. Sputtering: employs the bombardment of a solid target by energetic particles gas ions (1 10 eV). Despite the good uniformity and stochiometry, this process gives rise to dense film with poor directionality [9]. In sputtered films, the ion bombardment of the surface at the initial stage of the film growth may lead to high strain aspect consisting on quite large compressive stresses where a tendency of film edges expansion is contracted back by the substrate [11]. PECVD: species decomposition can be carried out at lower temperatures (around 300  ° C) with high deposition rates and energetic species with high sticking coefficient. This process provides good film quality with conformal aspect and good step coverage [9]. The resulting film at such low temperature and high deposition rate is prevented from relaxation and remains in strain, unlike high temperature process. Moreover, similar to sputtering technique ion bombardement may lead to further strain. The lack of surface diffusion may induce a high voids concentration which induce further strain in the film [10]. The interaction of atoms in the channel amorphous silicon film creates tensile strain, whereas the insertion of atoms causes compressive stresses [12]. Taking all the mentionned specifications, we may confirm the potential of PECVD technique to fabricate for nanodimensional ncSi channel island in nanotrench with interesting strain characteristics. In order to fulfill the cost and performance requirements of (ncSiFET) transistor for memory selector application (vs state of the art), process development and device improvement are demanded. In this project, we pay special attention to physical dimensions and materials properties that determine the characteristics of our devices. Improvements of (ncSiFET) transistor Ces reponses sont a relier avec l opti;isation deja evoque a la question2 Before citing the general strategy for device improvements, we present in figure III.1 the proposed structure accompagned with an overview about the electrical characteristics of (ncSiFET) transistor. *Channel: enlarge the grains size (>80nm), minimize defects density inside the grain => optimization of a-Si deposition + RTA annealing + post-deposition H 2 plasma /Ge incorporation -form narrow channel of about ~100 nm in the range grain size, making sure to avoid the effects of the short channels => EBL patterning of 100nm-box size *Tunnel oxide: longer exposure duration up to 2 h to ambient air + annealing => more compact film with less defects and better stoichiometry *Gate dielectric: -minimize EOT and increase of Cox => implementation of high-K(~20) ALD HfO 2 -reduce defects at high-K ox/ncSi formation for plasma induced layer instead of native SiO x => N 2 pretreatment before ALD + anneal for adhesion and interface species desorption *Top gate: -minimize source/ top Al gate Loverlap =>EBL3 design +alignment *Metal S/D: less tunnel oxide consumption due to metal contact=> replacing Ti with TiN S/D sputtering + annealing for better contact resistance and ohmic contact * Minimize parasitic capacitances (Cgs, Cgd, Cp) (MIM) to enhance switching frequency (f c ) Semi-quantitative aspects *Ion: (better channel mobility, less Dit , optimized strain, lower barrier/contact resistance, better tunnel) Based on coulomb diamond measurements and comsol simulation, replacing the lateral/back gates previously adopted with 86nm SiO 2 as gate dielectric by a top gate with thinner gate dielectric 6[2]. *Ioff: We need to maintain I off range or slightly improve it with minimizing Ntrap or adopt slightly longer channel (>100nm) *S.S: (Small EOT~5nm , higher Cox , reduced gate overlap , better interfaces) An increase of gate stack capacitance Cg allows better gate modulation at low Vgs, high carriers density in the channel, leading to high performance and low power consumption. The gate dielectric capacitance is described as follow whereas the equivalent oxide thickness for high-K dielectric is expressed as. As an estimation an expression for subthreshold swing parameter is given as: Replacing the 86nm SiO 2 (K=3.9) by a 20nm HfO 2 (K~20) as gate dielectric, leads to a EOT=4.87 and an increase of C ox by a factor (~x18). Thus, S.S can reach 250mV/dec. Comparaison a-Si PECVD vs. a-Si LPCVD At 3IT, chemical deposition techniques, mainly LPCVD and PECVD are employed for silicon thin layer growth. It is important for our project to distinguish the relevant film properties, as well as, the implication on device performance for each technique. Electrical Properties In general, amorphous silicon thin films deposited by PECVD at low temperature (200-300 °C) are disordered with a defect density in the range of 1018 cm-3 and hopping based conduction mechanism. The resulting film are usually under stress due to high deposition rate and ion bombardment. Whereas, LPCVD films deposited at relatively high temperature (~600 °C) are more ordered with a lower defect density of about 1015 cm-3 and activation conduction mechanism [4]. Due to high temperature and low deposition rate a relaxation occurs in the film leading to low strain effect. Low field mobility of about 0.1-1cm2 V-1 S-1 in such amorphous material is mainly attributed to punctual defects such dangling bonds and dislocations. Different other allotropic varieties are of interest for our channel mainly polycrystalline and nanocrystalline silicon can be obtained depending on process parameters. On one hand, poly-Si consists on a network of crystalline grains randomly oriented and se parated by grains boundaries which are regions with high defects and dangling bonds concentrations. On the other hand, nc-Si film are formed by crystalline grains of nanoscale size (~ 50 nm-diameter) incorporated in an amorphous matrix with a grain crystalline fraction of up to 60% [5]. These changes in crystalline phase and microstructure imply a significant enhancement in field mobility from 50 up to 300cm2 variation of film microstructure along depth can be manifested, where the interface (nucleation phase) is formed a dominant amorphous phase or very small grains, but, as the growth evolves and the film becomes thicker, the size of the grains increases [6]. This difference in structure between the interface and the bulk of the film may have implications on electrical conduction, since carriers moving through amorphous phases, result in low mobility, whereas, the transport through the large grain give rise to high mobility (figure III.1) For our ncSi channel thin film( Impact on device performances In similar case to our ncSi channel, it was demonstrated, that the main origins of mobility degradation in poly-Si channel are Coulomb scattering due to defects inside the grain (D it ) -point defects or dislocations- or defects at the grain boundaries (Ntrap), as well as the surface roughness at the ncSi / gate oxide interface (Nit). On the one hand, defects inside the grains as the dominant limiting factor on electrons mobility control the on-current (Ion) value. On the other hand, defects at the grain boundaries (Ntrap) generate a Trap-Assisted Tunneling (TAT) mechanism in the (ncSi) channel, which degrades the off-current (Ioff) and the value of (S.S). Moreover, the traps at the interface (Nit) reduce the control of the grid which strongly affects (S.S) and (Ion) [7].

Friday, September 20, 2019

Flowers A Big Part Of Humans Life Marketing Essay

Flowers A Big Part Of Humans Life Marketing Essay Flowers are really a big part of humans life. Their beauty, colour and attractiveness allows us to carry our messages perfectly   get-well soon for our family and sick friends, congratulation messages to a newly promoted friend, sympathy to a grieving group, and to show our feeling to another person. Every party or any occasion is celebrated with flowers.  Or even without an occasion. Recent trends show that many of those who buy flowers buy it for themselves.   Florist shop is a comparitively easy business to stand up and rising. Florist is a kind of business where it did not required big financial  income and its a glooming industry. There are few careers that offer so many advantages. As a florist we are all surrounded with beautiful flower  every day and have a career which has lots of fun and interesting. And this business is not a seasonal business here the work is carry out for a year. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We Bloomers and Stylers are aiming to provide Frequent Flower Gift Program which will differ from old florists by prepare personal relationships through the use of marketing, technology and innovation by giving a gift program that makes purchasing flowers easier and attractive to the consumers. MISSION The company will  use  sophisticated marketing techniques to identify and serve  an ideal target audience which will  apart from other  older retailers and on-line  florists by giving rapid Flower Gift  Programs with  extra  service (e.g., consumers can select  any precise delivery dates) and  custom floral plans (e.g., consumers can specify colour, scent, flower). Keys to Success Designs should be new and innovative, better quality fresh and nice flower decoration using a variety of  different containers, flowers and other styles. Creating a nice entrance that shows an art gallery, with new, fresh and floral arrangements displayed like art. Communicating with depending consumers through direct e-mail, print some advertisement and an easy  website. CURRENT SITUATION It is thus no wonder that flowers have become big business. The Society of American Florists estimates that the floriculture industry will sell $19 billion in flowers, plants, and floral supplies for 2001. There are about 26,200 retail florist shops  in the United States today making an average of $250,191 in annual sales.  [1]  By looking these figures a person can judge that this industry or a business has an extraordinary growth. Every month there are many occasions so this firm didnt fall down .It is increasing day by day and its a very good market nowadays. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Industry analysis has a close view on economic factors, social factors and political factors. Frequent Buyer  Program Subscriber 15-60 years of age Married, engaged or in a long-term relationship Quality conscious Decorated home makers The holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are the perfect dates  for people to take as part of a Flower Gift Program. Percentage ranking by retail: Occasions Percentage 1 Valentines day 36% 2 Mothers day 27.4% 3 Christmas 15.1% 4 Thanksgiving day 7.4% 5 Sweetest day 1.2% 6 Grandparents day .09% 7 Fathers day .04% 8 Boss day .02%a Not only these occasions there uncountable days to celebrate something with flowers. To celebrate the marriage flowers are used. So it is used everywhere. All the economic factors lie in this table that what the consumers are required and they target a specific area. Same as with political factors like government is well concerned with the environment and emphasizes to grow more plants which really helps in our florist business. Social factor means the trend in which we are moving like flowers can be used for expressing something, attractiveness, nice essence and many more. So to get a single flower we should get many qualities. This will help our firm to improve and different from others business. So I think that this firm is very much comfortable to have a good competition in the market. PROJECT DISCRIPTION The first is business location, and the location must be in a high-traffic and highly visible area to increase walk-in business. The second issue is delivery. The business must provide consumers with a fast and efficient delivery service. The third important aspect of the business is national exposure. The business must join a florist association that promotes national delivery regardless of geographic location as some florist shops gain as much as 25 percent of their business from people who order  flowers  from outside the service area of the florist ( Store designing and layout Store design The outer part of a florist shop is estimated to account for the actual fascinate of 30% of all consumers. Very easy, innovative design with attractive and new displays A big interior design with lots of light and extra ordinary lighting to shine and look more attractive flower designs High clear view from the street, as well as looking pleasant at night A quality of distinct floral arrangements. Store policies The company will invest in consumer relationship management software (CRM) to collect consumers information, with their names, address, e-mail address and other required information ( flower likes/dislikes, birthday, colour selection, anniversary). These all information will be used with e-mail and direct mail attempt to build different marketing programs, establish consumers faithfulness. The company will offer a whole exchange policy to build some trust and dependencies with consumers and to maintain withholding, constancy and reliability. Store Location and Time scheduling Our store will be placed at Cannaught place (New Delhi) We plan to open on February 14(Valentines day) and will be providing free sample of flowers to consumers. Free parking should be available for the consumers who will visit the area. OPERATION AND PRODUCTION PLAN It will depend on the nature of our business. I am selling consumer goods, it will be important to make sure i can get those products to your clients at the time you promise. PRODUCTS OFFERED Creative Floral Designs, Using A Varied Mix of Flowers-. The floral arrangement should be natural, original work of art. The company has promise to make each preparation unique and custom-designed based on each consumers needs. Floral arrangements will feature a different range of seasonal flowers. All sample preparation in the store will be there for purchase. innovative Containers- We will select and offer distant vases for the different buyer or for a special reason, as well as reasonable options for timely purchases. .Variety of prices. We will sale a different kind of arrangement sizes, and will always create a those vases which will meet anyones requirement and in their proper budget. Hand-tied Bouquets. For consumers who choose to use their own vases, we should offer hand-tied bouquets. These are the important factors from which consumers will attract. Production involves materials, tools, machines, labour cost. I would preferably buy my material in a wholesale rate and I will produce my own material and it will increase my production as well as my sales of profit .I will buy some equipment like a system which cost 20000rs. A credit card machine of rs5000. And I have decided not to spent more than Rs30000 on this equipment. Other than this an air-condition, on tills of the floor, decoration of the shop. MARKETING PLAN Marketing Objectives We need to establish and to make our reputation as an independent, easy way to buy some flowers and feeling of romance with some loved once. Why should local residents buy from us? It is Easy, handy and suitability. Consumer will experience special shopping qualities. Qualities of the flowers are very good and unique floral decoration. Very fast delivery program that is available. There is a home exchange of the opinion available. Event floral services are available to consumers. It will Support the local dealers. 4.3 Marketing strategies 1.Public Relations Spread around the stores Grand Opening and the ease of availability of services. Publicize our new releases on the local newspapers. 2.Advertisings I will advertise by printing my brochures. I will distribute my Pamphlets and posters. In Newspapers, journals, magazines. 3. Direct Mail/Postcards Develop a list of likely clients for timely communications about vacation specials and regular buyer/gift programs. Provoke more and more users to a particular website that enables them to see sample plans, 4. E-Mail Sending an e-mail to a particular society and then it will make a chain to deliver that e-mail. 5.Marketing Materials Develop a regular look and feel for all corporate security, including: Comment cards collect name, addresses, e-mail, plus feedback on services. One-page brochure describing Frequent Flower Buyer Programs. Stationery business cards, letterhead, envelopes. Gift cards. Packaging develop no-spill packaging to make it easy to transport flowers and use all packaging for branding opportunities. 6.Website Highlight some regular flower program, enable visitors to diary a free phone inquiry and advices, HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN It requires few persons to start this business. First of all owner of the company is the financer and it also have to do lots of work like estimating profits, price policies, designing all the arrangement, pay to suppliers, advertise of the business, handling some kind of complains from the consumer. Basically owner is everything and he/she has to be experienced in taking decisions. Other person that is required is delivery boy who will listen for the consumer requirement and serve the home-deliveries. Other than him a person who have to take care of the plants and flower because flowers has a very short life. And some temporary persons may be required for the important dates when there is a lot of rush in the firm. I will find my employers from the internet and they should have some knowledge of this firm. ASSESMENT OF RISK Starting a new firm we have a serious concern on the risk. A person who is doing this firm must have the experience and if there is no experience then try to gain something about this firm while starting a new business. An entrepreneur did not start any business without the opportunity first of all try to gain some idea and then start. For this research have to done and cover some portions like the place where to set up, windows of opportunity is open. First of all start a business in a small investment then grow it up. Risk came when there are many competitors in the market but what we have to do, try to give some extra facilities, a nice product and in the reasonable cost. This thing reduces the risk in doing business. FINANCIAL PLANS First check out the break even analysis. The cost which we spent is getting profitable. Then project the profit and loss on every product. It also deals with labour cost and cost on the product. Then project every data on the balance sheet. After that compare the ratios with the different year profits and get some idea that the firm in in loss or profit. COST AND PROFITABILITY Startup expenses Contents Amount 1 Showroom on rent 30,000 2 Initial marketing advertising 50,000 3 Stationery 25,000 4 DSL installation service activation 4000 5 Office supplies, giftwrap,packaging 25,000 6 Furniture 50,000 7 Equipment 2,46,000 8 2 Delivery mens 12,000 + 4000(transportation) 9 2 Decorators Designers 20,000 10 Startup inventory (Flowers) 75,000 11 Freshning equipment Freshners 50,000 12 Cleanliness or sweeper 1000 13 Electricity charges 8000 Total Expenditure 6,00,000 Equipments includes: 2 line phone system 10,000 CRS Software 1,70,000 Laptop 30,000 Credit card software 16,000 1 Air conditioner 20,000 CAPITAL INVESTED Planned investment Bank loan 6,00,000 vikrant 1,50,000 Total planned investment 7,50,000 Total planned investment (A) = 7,50,000 Total expenditure (B) = 6,00,000 (A-B) Additional working capital = 1,50,000 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 PLAN MONTH 1 2 3 CURRENT INTEREST RATE 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% LONG TERM INTEREST RATE 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% TAX RATE 25.42% 25.00% 25.42% OTHERS 0 0 0 Personnel plan YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 MANAGER 200000 250000 400000 EMPLOYEES 300000 325000 360000 TOTAL PEOPLE 5 6 6 TOTAL PAYROLL 500000 575000 760000 Profitability It depends upon contractual terms,by organizing events on special occasions. Providing flowers for decoration purposes in temples and other religious places. Especially in vrindavan. Revenue generated through sales on daily basis. Revenue generated on special occasions BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. accessed on 15 Nov 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice In Maycomb :: essays research papers

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice in Maycomb Two major people in To Kill A Mockingbird are prejudged; Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. One man is the victim of prejudice; Atticus Finch. These men are mockingbirds. For a mockingbird has never hurt anyone, and neither has Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, nor Tom Robinson. . Boo Radley is prejudged because he chooses to stay in his domicile. While Tom Robinson is prejudged because of his color. Atticus Finch becomes a victim of prejudice due to his valiancy to help a innocent black man; Tom Robinson. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson and prejudged; but because prejudice is so inclusive, even those who help the â€Å" mockingbirds†, Atticus, become victims of prejudice. Maycomb people gossip about Boo Radley because he chooses to stay in his house, while Tom Robinson is stereotyped by Maycomb because of his skin color. Rumors are spread about these men because most of Maycomb is guilty of prejudice. Boo Radley is generally gossiped about by Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Stephanie recounts to Jem about rumors spread about Boo Radley. â€Å"So Jem received much of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford...†( Lee, TKAM 11 ). Miss Stephanie explains a erroneous rumor about Boo. â€Å"As Mr. Radley passes by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg...† ( 11 ). Tom Robinson is prejudged by many people, some include: Scout, Mr. Gilmer, and Bob Ewell. For example, when Scout says, â€Å"Well, Dill, after all he's just a Negro† (199). Maycomb people are the sin of all prejudice in Maycomb. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are mockingbirds. Both of these men are victims of prejudice. To take advantage of these men would be a sin, just as it would to kill a mockingbird. â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...that's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird (90).† Tom Robinson is taken advantage of by the Ewell family. Tom had nothing against anybody, especially the Ewells'. He would help Mayella with her chores, and the part of it that made him a mockingbird, is that he did not want anything in return. â€Å" Were u paid for these services...No suh, not after she offered to give me a nickel the first time (191).† What makes Boo Radley a mockingbird is that he has never really never hurt anybody, he minds his own business while watching over his children. The Ewell family and many other people in Maycomb have sinned, distinctively Bob Ewell, because they took advantage and prejudged to innocent men; Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. People who help the mockingbirds also become victims of prejudice.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Responsibility for Eddies Death Essay -- A View from the Bridge Arthu

Responsibility for Eddie's Death In a 'View from the bridge,' Beatrice illustrates her views clearly on recent events by saying on page 61. 'Whatever happened, we all done it, and don't you forget it Catherine.' She is stating that everyone contributed significantly to what has happened in one way or another. On page 4, Alfieri's view of 'settling for half', is different to the way he says it on page 64. On page 64 he says, 'Most of the time we settle for half.' He has differentiated the two words 'now' and 'most'. This is because he has seen Eddie become a victim of his own culture and seen the way he respects the Code of Conduct. Alfieri has concluded from that, that the best way is not to settle for half all the time. But 'Most of the time we settle for half and I like it better.' Both Beatrice and Alfieri have illustrated their views however, their views on recent events contrast to each other significantly. We are introduced to the first key scene where we find Eddie's reaction to Catherine's job offer, 'You can't take no job, why didn't you ask me before taking on a job?' This is clearly showing Eddie's insecurity and doesn't want her to gain any independence; another reason for this reaction is he doesn't want her to get a boyfriend via her new job. This scene has created a sense of tension due to high levels of jealousy surrounding the conversation. Also, Eddie believes that the man should be the provider and the woman does the housework. This prepares the audience for many more scenes similar to this as Eddie's reaction is huge compared to the situation. Therefore, there may be chances of his jealousy taking over and spiralling out of control. When Marco and Rodolpho arrive from Ital... ..., this could have helped diffuse the situation in a way so then at least everyone's true feelings would have been out in the open. Marco was at fault for what happened at the end of the play was he provoked the situation at eh end of the play by saying that he wouldn't give Eddie back his name, and causing a great deal of tension in the household in the boxing scene. Catherine was remotely responsible for Eddie's death at the end of the play by getting involved with Rodolpho too early and against Eddie's will and so it lead to Eddie snitching on Rodolpho and Marco. Rodolpho was responsible as he got involved with Catherine and didn't ask Eddie for permission in the first place, that is regarded as a sensible thing for a gentleman to do. Out of both quotations made by Beatrice and Alfieri I think that Beatrice's quote summed up the truth of the play.